
Rapha Festive 500 - 2017

Background:   I’ve cycled for large chunks of my life but before October 2016 I would never have used the word cyclist to describe myself. I started out with a BMX (Raleigh Skyway - man I wish I still had that bike - it was the business) and then progressed to mountain biking, generally heading to Cannock Chase in Staffordshire with mates to an old quarry and smashing some jumps. I then went to Uni and cycling ceased. However it wasn’t until I came to London that I bought another mountain bike and started commuting on it and cycling became a regular thing. I still didn’t understand road cycling though. I mean, why would anyone want to buy a bike that was only good for the road? I also favoured a mountain bike with bar ends due to having a dislocated arm and finding it uncomfortable to grip straight bars. Then in 2015 I progressed to a CX bike and couldn’t believe how comfortable hoods were. Suddenly I was starting to “get it”. This all changed in October 2016 when I decided to
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